Inspire and Motivational Area.
Great Speakers.
I have always taken a great interest in inspiring people that help more people become successful and I hope the selection of resources below will help you.
The Greatest Speakers.
I also take great pleasure in hearing the greatest speakers, like
Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Earl Shoaff, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, and Jim Rohn.
There are motivational videos online, and I found that listening to these speakers has given me a boost when needed or helped me become more active in my business and life!
Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Earl Shoaff, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, and Jim Rohn.
There are motivational videos online, and I found that listening to these speakers has given me a boost when needed or helped me become more active in my business and life!
Educate yourself FREE with the video resources below...
Napoleon Hill in His Own Voice.
If you are looking to be inspired, then listen to Napoleon Hill in His Own Voice.I have come across Napoleon Hill many times and had lots of pleasure reading books like Think and Grow Rich, which have added so much to my life and helped me achieve things I had never thought possible. I recently came across an old recording, and what a master class for the mind! I began to feel so privileged that I could listen to him and question my own why! And now it is here for you in the resources if you are looking to find an answer to the question, Why? If you like who you are or why you feel you are not achieving your life goals, then don't skip the lessons below because you could be missing out on unbelievable lessons for now and in the future.
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Find Other Helpful Videos Below.
Below you will find other very inspiring speakers, and if you are looking for books and other resources, scroll down.
Earl Nightingale Strangest secrets.
After the war, Earl
became obsessed with why everyone in his neighbourhood was poor and confused. He
wondered why one person was able to create wealth and happiness for his family,
while another with a similar background stayed ignorant and penniless.
Answering these questions became Earl’s life work.
Earl Shoaff.
Earl Shoaff was influential in the early career of Jim Rohn, another American
entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and writer.
Below, you will find a old recording of How to Become a Millionaire.
Earl shoaff.
Don't skip this because it is an old recording because here is another wise master speaker.
In July 1957, Shoaff along with Rich Schnackenberg and Harry Ebbert left Abundavita and started The Nutri-Bio Corporation. The company grew to six million dollars per month in sales with 115,000 distributors in the USA and Canada, and Shoaff became a multi-millionaire.On September 5, 1965, Earl Shoaff died from complications of pneumonia.
In July 1957, Shoaff along with Rich Schnackenberg and Harry Ebbert left Abundavita and started The Nutri-Bio Corporation. The company grew to six million dollars per month in sales with 115,000 distributors in the USA and Canada, and Shoaff became a multi-millionaire.On September 5, 1965, Earl Shoaff died from complications of pneumonia.
Zig Ziglar.
A World War II veteran, Zig Ziglar became the top salesperson in
several organizations before striking out on his own as a
motivational speaker and trainer.
motivational speaker and trainer.
Bob Proctor.
Bob Proctor's net worth: Bob Proctor was a Canadian American author,
entrepreneur, and motivational speaker who had a net worth of $20
million at the time of his death. Proctor died on February 3, 2022, at
the age of 87.
They Didn't Teach You This In School - Bob Proctor.
This is definitely worth taking the time to listen to.
Jim Rohn.
What is Jim Rohn's philosophy?
“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”
“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”
"great philosophy that is at the heart of transforming your
life. Invest in yourself, invest in your own self education, and then take that
knowledge and use it to help others get what they want and need out of life.
Joseph Rodriguss.
Joseph videos are worth a look at
The below video is very interesting because Joseph adds his own interpretation of
the content in a step-by-step way and gives a better understanding of what Think
And Grow Rich is about.Master Key Society.
Master Key Society is another great resource I have found for people in pursuit of wisdom, meaning, and self-improvement. I have added a selection of videos, and you can also show your support by visiting there YouTube channel.

Inspiration and Motivational Area.
Inspire and Motivational Area.
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Self-Help Ebooks
Here is a great resource for you to look at, and you will find free downloads.
Find Amazon Book Resources.
I have found a helpful selection of great books on Amazon.
Being upfront with you
Disclosure: Amazon Links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
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To the best of our knowledge, the information contained on this website and in the videos is true and accurate. We are not responsible for how you decide to use these resources, some of the information is linked to affiliate businesses, and a commission may be earned by the Good Web Business website.